Saturday 22 March 2008

Bouncy Bouncy
A bad weather day in the north atlantic. We were heaving(lowest to highest point) about 25 meters. on top of that it was snowing on and off all day so it was very cold, Very very cold.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

I spray painted these plant troughs my sister had given me and gave them to Rachel with some bulbs and gardening stuff

This is us planting the bulbs in the new troughs

Christmas 2007

We spend Christmas with my friend Sandra and her family since gavin was away on the oil rig.

These are the angels we made for the table

Father Christmas foot prints and the empty plate and glass that was left out for Father Christmas

Rachel and Caleb's presents

Ripping paper off
Chewing paper off

OOhh this is nice crinkly paper!

more ripping

Dress-up shoes!

and princess dresses

Thomas the tank engine books - I am sick of reading Thomas now!
more ripping

Caleb showing Sandra his new toy
Sandra and Gemma playing with the new pupperts Gemma got

Sandra reading to all the kids My smiling boy with his new toy and top mommy made

oooh what does this thing do?

Kids at the table

Christmas lunch

John on baby duty after lunch

Sunday 30 December 2007

Food glorious food

So Caleb reached 6 months and was ready to start soild food, we started with the mush most babies have to start, butternut did not go down too badly.

Occasionally other things were more interesting

Then after a trip to the health visitor and some reading on the internet we started a more baby lead eating approach which suggests that babies should feed themselves even at this young age. I still do supplement with some mush but mostly he feeds himself. He seems dead chuffed with the idea and this is his first attempt with feeding himself - bread sticks and humous (his new favourite food)
Rachel signing 'eating' to Caleb

But the winner is still bread sticks with humous
